Lump In My Penis

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They can affect the penis and general groin area, in which case it’s considered an STI. Cancer of the penis Penile cancer is a rare type of cancer that can cause a sore or lump on the penis, most commonly on the head of the penis.

I located a small lump in my groin while washing, its somewhere between the size of a pea, and a marble, closer to a pea, it seems to be located next to my shaft, on the right side of my penis about a …

Mar 03, 2006 · Penis Pain and knot or lump Under normal cirucmstances, it is not painful and you have to squeeze it pretty hard to detect it. However, when I have an erection or have sex it really really hurts.

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Peyronie’s disease (named after François de la Peyronie, surgeon to King Louis XV of France) is the hardening of tissue (fibrosis) in the penis. A lump or plaque (scar tissue) forms on the lining of the erectile tissue which holds much of the blood in the penis during erection.

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Penis lump: Raised irregular swelling of the penis. See detailed information below for a list of 7 causes of Penis lump, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.

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Regardless, if you feel lumps in penis tissue that were never noticed before it is a good reason to have your doctor examine your situation. Normal healthy penile tissue (corpora cavernosa, veins, arteries, lymph nodes, nerves) of the shaft should feel like a dense homogeneous mass of tissue.

Dec 24, 2015 · There are many possible causes of penis lumps, most of which are harmless but some may have serious effects and require timely treatment. For this reason, it …

I have had a large lump on my lower left penis shaft for quite a while now, possibly 6-12 months but have never been really bothered by it. I am 16 years old now and I still do not know what it is and am scared to tell anyone.

A couple of weeks ago I felt a small round lump inside the shaft of my penis. It’s to the right, a bit below the head. It is not visible from the outside, not even if I hold it between the forefinger and thumb and stretch the skin of the shaft over it.

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Sores or lumps from penile cancer usually don’t hurt, but they might. You should see a doctor if you find any kind of new growth or other abnormality on your penis, even if it’s not painful. Any change that doesn’t get better in about 4 weeks, or gets worse, should be checked by a doctor.

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