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The most popular antidepressants are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. This group includes some of the most popular prescription drugs on the planet such as Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro, and Paxil.

I recently started taking zoloft. I feel like the zoloft is making my anxiety way worse. My pdoc says that it is common for ssri’s to make you feel way worse before they make you feel better.

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Home Remedies for Depression: 1. Cardamom. Cardamom is a natural anti-depressant.

Jan 24, 2009 · I think the best antidepressant is love. That sounds corny, but I think you need to be around people who care about you and love you who can help you through this. Maybe you could talk to a therapist? Just open up to someone about how you feel so you can get better.

While antidepressants are the answer for some with clinical depression, others may seek natural methods in addition to or as an alternative to taking medication. While there is no cure-all for depression, there is research supporting several natural options that may help boost our minds as well as our spirits.

Mar 27, 2008 · SSRI = Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor It took me 45 minutes to figure that out ( I did kinda got side tracted by some DIY videos on Utube). There should be a DF (drugs-forum) dictionary for all the abbreviations and urban slang.

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Find out which home remedy for depression is safe and effective and learn what role diet and exercise can play in helping relieve symptoms of depression.

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The reason why antidepressants do not work in most cases of depression is because these drugs target only one aspect of this complex condition: neurotransmitters, the brain’s "mood molecules." When “feel-good” neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine and serotonin are low, artificially raising the levels with the drugs can sometimes help in the ity of the most severe cases.

Relapse rates for people using meditation were the same as those taking antidepressants (about 30%), and lower than those on a placebo (about 70%) in one study.

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