Scoreland Plumpers

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Featuring Laura Bailey at Scoreland. Preview all of Laura Bailey big tit photo and video updates at Scoreland (1371)

Picture galleries of hot plumpers. Scoreland, Xl teens, Xlteens, Score Land and other galleries.

Featuring Sapphire at Scoreland. Beating off her fellow contestants once again, Sapphire reigns supreme, winning the vote for Voluptuous magazine’s Plumper of the Year. This is the redheaded vixen’s third straight victory. 100 photos of Solo action.

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Featuring Samantha 38G and Seth Dickens at Scoreland. A top favorite since her first time with Voluptuous in 2002, Samantha took the Plumper award from Sapphire, her co-star in My Big Plump Wedding (the source of this issue’s pictorial). For three years …

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Kristina Milan is nominated for Plumper of the Year in the V-mag awards. Valory Irene is nominated for Newcomer of the Year in both the SCORE and V-mag awards. Vanessa Del is nominated for V-mag’s 2011 XXX of the Year award.

Voluptuous and XL teens magazines: Super size models with tremendous tits, hefty hips, and chubby cheeks. 100% XXX super sex with the best BBWs on the planet. More plump women than ever before.

Picture galleries of hot plumpers. Scoreland, Xl teens, Xlteens, Score Land and other galleries.

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Featuring Lenka at Scoreland. Preview all of Lenka big tit photo and video updates at Scoreland (1410)

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Featuring Lenka at Scoreland. Preview all of Lenka big tit photo and video updates at Scoreland (1410)

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At SCORELAND, Kelly Christiansen, Brandy Dean, Rockell, Lana Ivans and Nancy Navarro are straightening things out big-time. I enjoyed seeing Lana wearing a tight outfit so much, I actually didn’t want her to get undressed.

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