Dean Hamer Gay Gene

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The scientist who two years ago controversially announced the discovery of the "gay gene" has found further evidence for its existence in homosexual men but not in lesbian women. Dean Hamer, a

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Upon learning that Hamer’s “gay gene” study was a hoax, one might assume that if other researchers were to attempt to replicate his experiment, including his control group, they would fail

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Dean Hamer finally feels vindicated. More than 20 years ago, in a study that triggered both scientific and cultural controversy, the molecular biologist offered the first direct evidence of a

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A study conducted in 1993 by openly "gay" activist and researcher Dr. Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute examined the X chromosomes of 40 pairs of homosexual mans. The study, which appeared in the March 1993 issue of the journal Science , found that 33 of the pairs of mans had genetic markers for male homosexuality.

The ”gay gene” has cruised back on to the scene. Homosexuality tends to run in families, according to Dean Hamer, the American scientist who has made a study of the genetic basis of human sexual

The search for the possible genetic basis of homosexuality was not new in 1993–other researchers had isolated the gene in fruit flies. But fruit flies are not human beings. And Dean Hamer, along

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Jan 28, 2005 · Gay Gene Debate A heated debate over the existence of a "gay gene" emerged from a 1993 report published in the journal Science by then-NIH researcher Dean Hamer, PhD.

Zeroing in on the “Gay Gene” Geneticist Dean Hamer, scientist emeritus at the National Institutes of Health, published a study in 1993 that proposed that Xq28, a region of the X chromosome, might play a role in determining whether a man was gay.

Oct 29, 2013 · Dr. Dean Hamer was an independent researcher at the National Institutes of Health for 35 years, where he directed the Gene Structure and Regulation Section at the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

Jun 25, 1995 · Dean Hamer doesn’t claim to have found the gene, or even the set of genes, that contributes to a propensity for homosexuality. What Hamer reported in a …

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