Can You Get Pregnant The Day Before Ovulation

Nov 10, 2017 · Getting pregnant after ovulation could be as a result of previous intercourse because the sperm lasts 6 days at the maximum in the cervix… Although getting pregnant a week before ovulation is rare, it still happens. The norm is 5 days before ovulation.

Jul 16, 2008 · So 5 days before ovulation makes it likely to get pregnant, while the day before makes it VERY likely to get pregnant. Having said that, you still only have a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant each month, even when you do everything right on time.

However you can have sex up to four or five days before ovulation and still get pregnant because the sperm may be viable up to five days. Fertilization takes place in the Fallopian tubes, so sperm may be there waiting for the egg when you ovulate.

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Apr 10, 2013 · Increasing the chances of getting pregnant, you must calculate your ovulation day, I accurately discern my ovulation time. And to do that, You need to know exactly your cycle.

First of all you can get pregnant up to 5 days before you expect to ovulate. Sperm can live for up to 5 days but usually do not live for longer than 2 or 3. Half of the sperm dies instantly when the man ejaculates anyway and only about 5 or so will make it up to the egg.

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Ovulation usually occurs around day 14 of a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. After the ovum is released, sperm can fertilize it for 12 to 24 hours before it begins to disintegrate. This is the most fertile period of your cycle and during ovulation your chances of conception are highest.

According to, having sex on the days before an ovulation is the best way to get pregnant because the female is most fertile during this time. The most fertile time for a female, however, is two to three days before ovulation.

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Yes you can. Depending on whether your body is producing the right kind of mucus, some sperm can live up to seven days (particularly the X sperm) before ovulation. This is the reason women who practice Natural Family Planning often learn to read their muscus changes.

In the pre-ovulation phase you should start doing two things if you want to get pregnant: first, check your undies for cervical fluid, and second, have sex.

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