Bi Polar Teen

Teen Bipolar Disorder is an illness of the mind that affects an cent’s mood. While most people are familiar with depression and its associated experience of low energy, many teens and their parents don’t understand the complex nature of Bipolar Disorder – and for good reason.

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This brochure provides information for parents about bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive illness) in ren and teenagers. It addresses signs and symptoms, treatment options, and how parents can help their with this disorder.

If you met Jordan, you might be surprised to learn that the teen has bipolar disorder. President of his senior class and lead actor in the college play, Jordan is outgoing, popular, and a high achiever. But that wasn’t always the case. When Jordan turned 16, his mood suddenly changed. He felt

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*Bipolar disorder in ren and teens facts written by Charles P. Davis, MD, PhD Bipolar disorder is a serious brain illness that results in individuals going through unusual mood changes ; they can exhibit maniac or "up" or energetic moods to "down" or depressive moods.

In teens, bipolar disorder can sometimes be mistaken for illnesses like schizophrenia and posttraumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other depressive disorders.

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Teenagers and the “Bipolar Conversation” Bipolar disorder is a compulsive illness, and until a teenager with bipolar disorder learns to recognize their symptoms and differentiate between when they are experiencing a mood swing and when they are healthy, they can and often will make decisions that have dangerous consequences.

Bipolar disorder is a chronic and serious mood disorder that affects about 2.6 percent of American adults. The condition usually appears in the late teens or early adulthood.

Although bipolar disorder more commonly develops in older teenagers and adults, it can appear in ren as as 6. In recent years, it’s become a controversial diagnosis. Some experts

Bipolar Disorder is a disorder of mood control in the brain that is thought to be caused by a combination of genetics and the environment. Because Bipolar Disorder has a large genetic component, immediate family members of someone with Bipolar Disorder are at a much higher risk of also developing the disorder than people without Bipolar

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During turbulent teenager years, it’s common for people to struggle with the social and academic pressures of high college, but a teen with bipolar disorder is far more likely to get